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Why I Stopped Writing and Why I'm Writing Now

Last week was the first I’ve written in nearly two years. Before that, I was writing pretty consistently, and then -- nothing. Why did I stop writing? Why am I shaking off the cobwebs and writing again now? Two main reasons: 1) I bumped it down on my priority list and 2) I allowed myself to use bullshit excuses for too long.

It seems that the most common answer to “how are you doing?” nowadays is “good but busy.” I am guilty of this and, as much as I try to not let those words come out of my mouth, I still catch myself thinking/saying them. The fact of the matter is that being busy is a choice. Time is a finite resource, but you can choose what’s important in your life, prioritize it, schedule it, and get it done.

About two years ago, I started a new job that I was (and still am) very passionate about. I have been committed to working very hard and giving it my all since day one. This has meant intense focus and long hours. In the past two years, I have found it difficult to find the time or energy to write for pleasure, yet I have successfully maintained the majority of my other habits/routines that support my goals. A few times along the way I thought to myself “I should really start writing again” but I held myself back with those B.S. excuses of being too busy.

Recently I realized that writing is something I’m passionate about and want to make more of a priority. Like my other passions, it takes repeated practice to get better at it, enjoy the progress and the act itself, and therefore want to do it even more. It creates a positive feedback loop and reinforces good habits. For example, one habit that I have not broken in over a decade is going to the gym regularly and working out. This makes me feel better physically and mentally, and positively impacts other areas of my life. Reading is another similar habit like this.

I have found motivation in that I do a decent amount of writing for my job, so writing for pleasure can only improve my writing skills and other areas of my professional and personal life. I am also excited to share things that I’m learning and discovering in my journey of health, fitness, my career, and life in general.

In terms of making (not “finding”) the time for writing more often: I have scheduled recurring events on my calendar - one weekday evening and one weekend afternoon every week - to make this happen. I am also spending less time on flashy graphics, copious quotes and links, and focusing more on what matters. I have SMART goals (Smart, Measurable, Attainable, Results-focused, Time-bound) in place for the next two months with my writing. After that, I will look back, evaluate, and possibly adjust my goals and plan of action.

Whether you’re someone who has been reading AlphaNerd from day one, or this is new to you, I appreciate you taking the time to read this. My goal is to write with quality and passion, and to provide value (either through entertaining or educating) even if it’s in an incremental way. Next up, I’m going to write a long overdue follow up to my series on getting better sleep. Hope you enjoy, because I’m just getting started (again).

See this gallery in the original post