Sleep, especially of the high-quality variety, is so important to overall health and well-being that it cannot be emphasized enough. In fact, I will go as far as to say that if you had to choose one thing in your life to improve - between diet, exercise, continual learning, etc. - I would say choose sleep. Getting a good night’s sleep is paramount to improving brain function, performance, looking good, longevity, and happiness.
Read more'The Bulletproof Diet' Book Review
Dave Asprey's The Bulletproof Diet is more than a diet book; it is a healthy lifestyle book with the science to back it up. Dave does a good job of breaking everything down into relatively simple terms, while still providing explanations for the chemistry and biology behind his methods. In other words, he doesn’t just tell you what to eat - he explains how to eat/prepare it, when to eat it, and (most importantly) why to eat it (or not eat it).
Read moreThe Worst and Most Disappointing Films of 2014
2014 was a great year for cinema, but needless to say there were more than its fair share of duds. Some movies that didn’t live up to expectations, and some that just leave you wondering what studio agreed to sign off on this? With a list like this, it's hard to not come off as an Internet troll, so I’ve tried my darnedest to at least highlight one or two things about some of the movies that they got right, however brief that may be. Assembling this list might be considered a labor of hate, but I like to think of it as a community service: Think of it as a handy guide to the films you shouldn’t catch up with on VOD.
Read moreForget the 'New Year' Resolution. Make a 'New You' Resolution.
No matter what your New Year’s resolutions or life goals are (or even your to-do list for today), living healthier will make it much easier to accomplish them all - long-term, short-term, and anywhere in between. I have found that by being healthier, my other goals seemingly accomplish themselves. An important realization I made somewhat recently is that being physically and mentally/emotionally healthy are different sides of the same coin. Improving one side will positively and proportionately impact the other...
Read moreDietary Fats: A Tale of Bro-Science and Self-Experimentation (Part 1)
Experimenting with different nutritional ideologies as well as supplementation theory over the past ten years has led me to the following baseline theory: your body is a chemistry set. There are many ways to get to a certain ‘compound’ if I may; however, each method comes along with its own set of parameters and reactions that you must experiment with...
Fast forward a few years - experimentation with Intermittent fasting led me to put some real research into insulinogenic effects of different types of food. I was sick of being hungry all day at work, and was looking to trade in my Michelin Certified Physique for that 8 pack. Lo and behold, Fats are not insulinogenic (I'll get into this in another article). Wait, so you are saying that I can eat fats to sustain energy without spiking my insulin, thus keeping my body in a fat burning zone while not breaking my “fast” and still perform in the gym? …LIGHTBULB.
Read moreTop 16 Movies of 2014
This has been a good year for film in my eyes. We’ve been privy to what I believe was a nice array of storytelling from a major variety of different filmmakers. Now there may not have been too many movies that I flat-out loved this year (if I did this would’ve been a way longer list), but there were plenty that I liked a whole lot and deserved to at least be mentioned for attempting to take a tired premise and revamp it into a refresher on its particular genre. And it was also a swell year for studio tentpole pictures as there were a handful of filmmakers that found ways to turn multi-million dollar corporate investments into somewhat personal and slightly subversive pieces of entertainment. My own Top 16 list runs the gamut from big studio films to very small, contained dramas. If your favorite film wasn’t found on this list, there might be a chance I didn’t get around to seeing it. But if I did, let me reiterate that this is only my opinion, and if there was a favorite of yours that I may have overlooked, please post in the comment section below. I would love to hear what your top 10, 16, heck 35 movies of the year were.
Read moreTen Life Lessons from an Atypical Transient
“Progress is impossible without change and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” -George Bernard Shaw
Change is THE fundamental driver of progress. A truly balanced, fulfilled existence involves consistent, healthy change. But we’re really convincing with our excuses. They usually start with, “I can’t because [fill in the blank].” No. You can. You just won’t. We also like to benchmark ourselves according to the masses. What a ridiculous phenomenon. Why would you want to be just above average?
Read moreI Think, Therefore I AlphaNerd
AlphaNerd is an interactive community that shares intelligent strategies, systems, and stories with the purpose of helping others improve their lives in an entertaining and enlightening way. Content highlights topics ranging from health, fitness, nutrition, bio-hacking, technology, science, entertainment, and culture. AlphaNerd is based on the vision that anyone is capable of upgrading their life, accelerating their evolution, and writing their own destiny. Our mission is to provide tools to help others achieve those goals.
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