Provolving IF Modified System by Brent Totty
The Provolving Modified Intermittent Fasting System has stemmed from the likeness of the Lean Gains Protocol, Bulletproof Modified Fasting and carb cycling strategies. Taking bits and pieces of each dietary and supplementation methodologies has created a system that provides effortless body recomposition without drastic lifestyle changes. By timing specific work effort, supplementation and premeditated combinations of macronutrients, your body can turn into a fat burning machine while also packing on lean muscle.
Starting off the morning with a caffeine source like coffee or tea, combined with a healthy fat source (such as coconut oil) provides the body with a specific type of fat and stimulant that helps push towards fat loss without much effort, specifically when you are in a fasted state (which you are as you wake up each morning). MCTs (Medium Chain Triglycerides) in coconut oil (such as Lauric, Capric, and Caprylic Acids) are circulated in the blood stream without causing an insulogenic response, thus providing satiety without halting fat loss. By giving the body a small amount of MCTs while in the fasted state, it encourages the body to shift from burning glucose to fatty acids for energy. Body fat and LCT (Long Chain) are structurally very similar being 16-22 carbon atoms in length; however, MCTs are 6-12 and are not treated the same way. They bypass the normal digestive process that LCTs go through and are treated much more like carbohydrates, being readily available for energy expenditure. MCTs have a smaller molecular structure and are much more soluble in water, hence it is easier for your body to absorb and doesn’t require the complicated digestive process that LCTs go through. MCTs are transported directly from the small intestine to the liver, where some are turned to ketone bodies that muscles can use for energy.
Structure of different MCTs. Science!
The idea of supplementing with MCTs, BCAAs (Branch Chain Amino Acids) and Acetyl L-Carnitine is based off the fundamental way that the body utilizes fats. MCTs are placed into the blood stream first thing in the morning, usually placed in one's morning coffee (the caffeine has a positive effect on fat loss as well during exercise). 5g of BCAAs are taken along with 500mg of Acetyl L-Carnitine 15 minutes before exercise as well as directly after exercise. Your body will utilize a combination of glycogen (since there isn’t much circulating glucose in the bloodstream due to your extended overnight fast) and MCTs to fuel your workout. The BCAAs will work in conjunction with the MCTs to prevent gluconeogenesis (breakdown of amino acids aka muscle to fuel exercise), while the Acetyl L-Carnitine shuttles free fatty acids provided by the MCTs consumed as well as bodyfat to fuel exercise. By supplementing with a second dose of 5g of BCAA and 500mg of ACL, you provide the BCAAs necessary to prevent muscle breakdown, while continuing to perpetuate fatty acid metabolism. The insulogenic response, which is what halts fat loss when a post workout meal is consumed, is not spiked by the BCAAs. Thus allowing you to stay in a fat burning state until a meal is consumed. I would recommend a meal 1-2 hours after the second dose of the Provolving IF supplement.
Superman enjoying his first meal
The first meal should consist of carbohydrates and lean protein, followed by subsequent meals later on in the day that highlight healthy fats and high protein intake. During your feeding window, you can choose your strategy based upon your goals. If you are looking to gain muscle, emphasize lean protein sources, starchy carbs and smaller amounts of healthy fats, while eating in a caloric surplus. If fat loss is your goal, emphasize starchy carbs and lean protein for your post workout meal only and shift to fattier meats, vegetables and healthy fats in your subsequent meals, while eating in a caloric defecit.
Sample Daily Routine:
Batman doesn't have time for breakfast
6am: Bulletproof Coffee
7:30am: 5g BCAA, 500mg ALC
8am: Workout
9am: 5g BCAA, 500 mg ALC
11am: 1st Meal (High Protein, High Carb, Low Fat)
Adjust your meals throughout the feeding window to cater to your goals… i.e. smaller meals, higher fat...
7-8pm: Feeding Window Closes
Basic Guidelines:
Emphasize MCTs prior to workout, preferably with a caffeine source. Take 5g BCAAs and 500mg ALC 30 mins prior and post workout. Start your feeding window 1-2 hours post workout. Alter your macronutrient timing during your feeding window to fuel your goals, whether they are fat loss or muscle gain.