I used to hit the gym pretty hard virtually every day. Unless you’re a competitive athlete or training for something specific, that’s just silly. Most of us aren’t in either of these camps. Not only is there a distinct point of diminishing returns (think bell curve), but research indicates that excess exercise negatively impacts longevity. That’s right – too much of a seemingly good thing isn’t best for the long haul. Minimum effective dose is what we’re talking about here...
Read moreThe Skinny on Bulletproof® Coffee, Breakfast of Champions
Butter and oil in your coffee? That’s kinda weird, right? Why yes, yes it is rather strange. But, it’s healthy, effective, and freakin' delicious. I look forward to waking up every morning, not only because I know I’m about to feel like Superman (ladies, think Wonderwoman), but also because Bulletproof® Coffee is a totally tasty treat.
Why do you need Bulletproof® Coffee in your life? So many reasons…
Read moreTen Life Lessons from an Atypical Transient
“Progress is impossible without change and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” -George Bernard Shaw
Change is THE fundamental driver of progress. A truly balanced, fulfilled existence involves consistent, healthy change. But we’re really convincing with our excuses. They usually start with, “I can’t because [fill in the blank].” No. You can. You just won’t. We also like to benchmark ourselves according to the masses. What a ridiculous phenomenon. Why would you want to be just above average?
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