I used to hit the gym pretty hard virtually every day. Unless you’re a competitive athlete or training for something specific, that’s just silly. Most of us aren’t in either of these camps. Not only is there a distinct point of diminishing returns (think bell curve), but research indicates that excess exercise negatively impacts longevity. That’s right – too much of a seemingly good thing isn’t best for the long haul. Minimum effective dose is what we’re talking about here...
Read moreBulletproof Biohacking Conference 2015
If you're interested in the topics of health, technology, or culture (the cornerstones of AlphaNerd), then the Bulletproof Biohacking Conference is like an adult playground where all of these areas intersect. This is the third year Bulletproof has organized this conference in Pasadena, California and is "the community's foremost live event celebrating groundbreaking work in the optimization of human mental and physical performance." In other words, it's like Disneyland for biohackers and AlphaNerds alike. In fact, I attended last year's Bulletproof Conference and it was a big part of the inspiration and motivation behind the launch of this site. I'm very excited to be going to the Conference again this year to see how Dave Asprey and his team have made it "bigger, better, and upgraded."
Read moreWhat's In Your Fridge?
Great habits are formed more easily by building an environment that is conducive to them. When it comes to optimizing overall health, performance, appearance, and longevity, there's no question that having healthy eating habits is critical. Make the habit of eating healthy close to fail-proof by stocking your fridge and shelves with high-quality foods and eliminating any sort of temptations that will interfere with your goals. You will avoid decision fatigue, save time, and even avoid stress by stocking up on the same nutritious (and delicious) foods every time you visit the grocery store, or better yet, farmers market.
Read moreThe Essential Podcast Guide for Health, Fitness, Science, and Lifestyle
Podcast content spans a wide range of topics including health & nutrition, bio-hacking, entrepreneurship, personal development, daily news, comedy, entertainment, music of virtually every genre, and much more. Podcasts are generally presented by a host who is an expert in his or her field and provides monthly, weekly, or even daily episodes that can be streamed, downloaded a la carte, or automatically pushed to your device(s) once you subscribe to them. The episode format varies widely from genre to genre, host to host, and even episode to episode. This variety is growing and is exactly why I consume so many podcasts regularly, and a big part of why their popularity is quickly rising.
Read moreThe Skinny on Bulletproof® Coffee, Breakfast of Champions
Butter and oil in your coffee? That’s kinda weird, right? Why yes, yes it is rather strange. But, it’s healthy, effective, and freakin' delicious. I look forward to waking up every morning, not only because I know I’m about to feel like Superman (ladies, think Wonderwoman), but also because Bulletproof® Coffee is a totally tasty treat.
Why do you need Bulletproof® Coffee in your life? So many reasons…
Read more'The Bulletproof Diet' Book Review
Dave Asprey's The Bulletproof Diet is more than a diet book; it is a healthy lifestyle book with the science to back it up. Dave does a good job of breaking everything down into relatively simple terms, while still providing explanations for the chemistry and biology behind his methods. In other words, he doesn’t just tell you what to eat - he explains how to eat/prepare it, when to eat it, and (most importantly) why to eat it (or not eat it).
Read moreTen Life Lessons from an Atypical Transient
“Progress is impossible without change and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” -George Bernard Shaw
Change is THE fundamental driver of progress. A truly balanced, fulfilled existence involves consistent, healthy change. But we’re really convincing with our excuses. They usually start with, “I can’t because [fill in the blank].” No. You can. You just won’t. We also like to benchmark ourselves according to the masses. What a ridiculous phenomenon. Why would you want to be just above average?
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